October Birthstones – Opal & Tourmaline

October’s birthstone, the opal, symbolizes faithfulness and confidence. When light hits the sphere structures in opal, the colors of the visible spectrum appear. In different lights, an opal’s rainbow fragments may shift and change, revealing luminous bright and dark colors for a fascinating display. The October birthstone’s dramatic play-of-color has inspired writers to compare it to fireworks, galaxies and volcanoes. Hundreds of years ago, opal was believed to embody the virtues and powers of all colored stones

The other October birthstone, tourmaline, comes in a kaleidoscope of colors; often more than one hue is present in a gem. Brightly colored specimens are valued more highly. When heated or cooled, these gems develop an electric charge; the Dutch once used them to remove ash from meerschaum tobacco pipes. Egyptian legend says that tourmaline received its colors as it passed through a rainbow on its way up from Earth’s core. The gem symbolizes inspiration and once was believed to protect against evil.

September Birthstone – Sapphire

Sapphires symbolize loyalty, nobility, sincerity and integrity. They are associated with focusing the mind, maintaining self-discipline and channeling higher powers. Blue sapphires range from very light to very dark green-blue or violet-blue, as well as various shades of pure blue.The most prized colors are a medium to medium dark blue or slightly violet-blue.

Sapphire has been popular since the Middle Ages and, according to folklore, will protect your loved ones from envy and harm. Medieval clergy wore sapphires to symbolize heaven, while commoners thought the gem attracted heavenly blessings.This lovely gem gives September-born babies a full spectrum of options when choosing the shade of birthstone that best represents them.

Blue sapphires range from very light to very dark green-blue or violet-blue, as well as various shades of pure blue.The most prized colors are a medium to medium dark blue or slightly violet-blue. Sapphire is a variety of the gem species corundum and occurs in all colors of the rainbow. Pink, purple, green, orange, or yellow corundum are known by their color (pink sapphire, green sapphire).Rubyis the red variety of corundum.



August Birthstone – Peridot

Peridot is the rare gem-quality variety of the common mineral olivine, which forms deep inside the earth’s mantle and is brought to the surface by volcanoes. In Hawaii, peridot symbolizes the tears of Pele, the volcano goddess of fire who controls the flow of lava. 

Peridot’s signature green color comes from the composition of the mineral itself, rather than from trace impurities, as with many gems. That’s why this is one of few stones that onlycomes in one color, though shades may vary from yellowish-green to olive to brownish-green, depending how much iron is present.

Also known as “the Evening Emerald” because its sparkling green hue looks brilliant any time of day, peridot is said to possess healing properties that protect against nightmares and evil, ensuring peace and happiness. Babies born in August are lucky to be guarded by peridot’s good fortune.Ancient Egyptians called peridot the “gem of the sun,” believing it protected its wearer from terrors of the night. Egyptian priests believed that it harnessed the power of nature, and used goblets encrusted with it to commune with their nature gods.

We have relocated

We are proud to announce that Achikian Goldsmiths will be moving to Pleasant Street (right behind the Verizon store on Maple Avenue) from July 15th – July 19th 2021. Achikian Goldsmiths will reopen at the Pleasant Street location on Tuesday, June 20th, 2021.

Grand Opening: TBD

July Birthstone – Ruby

Ruby is the red variety of the mineral corundum, colored by the element chromium. All other colors of gem-quality corundum are called sapphire, which means color is key for this royal stone. The chromium that gives ruby its red color also causes fluorescence, which makes rubies glow like a fire from within. Paradoxically, chromium is also what makes this gem scarce because it can cause cracks and fissures. Few rubies actually grow large enough to crystallize into fine quality gems, and these can bring even higher prices than diamonds.

Rubies have been particularly prized in Asian countries. Records suggest that rubies were traded along China’s North Silk Road as early as 200 B.C. Chinese noblemen adorned their armor with rubies because they believed the gem would grant protection. They also buried rubies beneath building foundations to secure good fortune.Ancient Hindus believed they’d be reborn as emperors if they offered rubies to the god Krishna. In Hindu folklore, the glowing fire within rubies burned so hot that they allegedly boiled water. Greek legends similarly claimed that ruby’s warmth could melt wax.

Many cultures admired ruby as a symbol of love andpassion. Rubies have long been considered the perfect wedding gem. Due to its deep red color, ruby has long been associated with the life force and vitality of blood. It is believed to amplify energy, heighten awareness, promote courage and bring success in wealth, love and battle. Tough and durable, ruby measures 9 on the Mohs scale. Diamond is the only natural gemstone harder than ruby.

June Birthstone – Pearls

Pearls are the only gemstones made by living creatures. Mollusks produce pearls by depositing layers of calcium carbonate around microscopic irritants that get lodged in their shells- usually not a grain of sand, as commonly believed. While any shelled mollusk can technically make a pearl, only two groups of bivalve mollusks (or clams) use mother-of-pearl to create the iridescent “nacreous” pearls that are valued in jewelry. These rare gems don’t require any polishing to reveal their natural luster. Because perfectly round, smooth natural pearls are so uncommon, the word “pearl” can refer to anything rare and valuable. The finest pearls have a reflective luster, making them appear creamy white with an iridescent sheen that casts many colorful hues.

Pearls used to be found in many parts of the world, but natural pearling is now confined to the Persian Gulf waters near Bahrain. Australia owns one of the world’s last remaining pearl diving fleets, and still harvests natural pearls from the Indian Ocean. Today, most freshwater cultured pearls come from China. South Sea pearls are cultured along the northwestern coastline of Australia, the Philippines and Indonesia.

In many cultures, pearls symbolize purity and innocence, which is why it’s tradition for a bride to wear pearls on her wedding day. Besides being one of three birthstones for June, the pearl is also the birthstone for babies born under the signs of Gemini and Cancer, and frequently gifted on 1st, 3rd, 12th and 30th wedding anniversaries

May Birthstone – Emerald

Traditionally associated with the attributes of fertility, love and rebirth, the Emerald was dedicated by the Ancient Romans to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. The striking magnificent lush shade was one of Cleopatra’s favorite gems. Today, emerald meaning represents wisdom, growth and patience. By weight, the emerald is the most valuable gemstone today.

The May birthstone, the Emerald is a truly feminine spirit full of nurturing qualities. It is unsurprising that those born under the month of May usually have behavioral characteristics of loyalty, faithfulness and are more predisposed for friendship. Wearers of Emerald can benefit from the metaphysical properties of improved memory and enhanced mental capabilities. May babies are truly wise.

The word Emerald is derived from the Greek word “Smaragdos” meaning “green stone”- an apt description for this beautiful gemstone.The rich green color, a variety of beryl gem stones is valued as a precious gem. It was used popularly during the Victorian period for jewelry for royals. Ancient folklore believed that wearing Emeralds could positively contribute to a romantic relationship of the wearer.

April Birthstone – Diamonds

The diamond as the April gemstone has garnered the hearts of many and is the most coveted crystal to date. Deemed as the “King of all Birthstones,” diamonds make the ideal choice for an April birthday gift. (She’ll love you for it!)

Natural diamonds are a rare and unique ultimate gift for a loved one. Thought to be one of the hardest substances on the globe, diamonds date back billions of years. Adopted from the Greek work adamas, meaning “invincible,” diamonds come in a wide range of colors such as black, blue, green, pink, red, purple, orange and yellow.

The diamond is the traditional birthstone of April and holds significant meaning for those born in that month, thought to provide the wearer with better relationships and an increase in inner strength.

Wearing diamonds is purported to bring other benefits such as balance, clarity and abundance. It’s also symbolic of eternal love, and those fortunate to call April the month of their birth will enjoy the history behind this rare gem.


March Birthstone – Aquamarine

The name aquamarine is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning water, and marina, meaning the sea. This gemstone was believed to protect sailors, as well as to guarantee a safe voyage. The serene color of aquamarineis said to cool the temper, allowing the wearer to remain calm and levelheaded. Its pale, cool color beautifully complements spring and summer wardrobes.

Aquamarine is most often light in tone and ranges from greenish blue to blue-green; the color usually is more intense in larger stones. This gemstone is mined mainly in Brazil, but also is found in Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Pakistan, and Mozambique.